Government Initiative

Savannah Investment Project

Enhancing food security and farmer productivity in Ghana's savannah region

Project Overview

The Government of Ghana with funding from the Africa Development Bank (ADB) implemented the SAPIP to increase food security, productivity and income of farmer in the savannah area.


Acres Developed


Beneficiary Groups


Funding Partner

Project Impact

Land Development Support

Land Development Support

Through the SIP land development support, U3 Agrinet has developed over 248-acres farm land into an ingrower block farm

Beneficiary Groups

Increased access to land for vulnerable women, youth and PLwDs

Increased Access

  1. 1. Increased access to quality and quantity of farm inputs such as Fertilizer, Hybrid Seeds and agrochemicals
  2. 2. Increased yields and incomes of farmers
  3. 3. Increased number of farm jobs among women and youth